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CHSBUA Board Meeting

The Board meeting was held after the Master Clinic at Bennet’s Barbecue. While much of the discussion centered around the state playoff uniform, there were a few other items that need to be passed along.

CHSBUA Scholarships for Training

Members in good standing are encouraged to pursue off-season training. CHSBUA has budgeted $175 scholarships for 20 members each year. Download the application for more details.


Playoff Eligibility Requirements

There is ongoing discussion regarding the requirements that should be meet by umpires to qualify for working postseason games.

From the 10-20-2018 Board Meeting Minutes:

Playoff Requirements – create a form on the website that an official could see and check off to keep up with his progress with meeting all requirements.

There was also discussion about making sure that we are keeping the requirement for playoffs at a reasonable level so people don’t get discouraged with not being able to obtain the opportunity for playoffs. Look at each requirement and make sure it is meaningful to work toward and eliminate those things that aren’t advancing the purpose of being a skilled umpire. This needs more work and discussion.

The  ‘needs more work and discussion’ suggests we should review  those items and give our feedback to the area director.

Discussion of possible playoff requirement items – from 7/22/18 Board meeting minutes:

  • Dues paid on time
  • Registered
  • Attend 3-man clinic
  • Attend Master Clinic at least once every 2 years
  • Attend 5 meetings or 4 meetings and work a preseason scrimmage
  • Pass Part 1 or part 2 NFHS test
  • Pass mechanics test
  • Complete postseason survey
  • Umpire minimum 10 varsity and 2 sub-varsity regular season games
  • Other?

Umpire Uniform

If you see Kennie, be sure to buy him a beverage. After the Board had voted for solidifying uniform requirements at a previous meeting, he was tasked with creating a document clarifying the uniform. He did a great job and took a lot of heat as the presenter of the document (even though it had already been through committee and ratified by a vote of the Board). There were a few people that thought it was a lot to ask playoff umpires to (possibly) purchase a $25 shirt. Anyways, it is done and here are a couple of items to note.

    • Local areas can make exceptions to the uniform during the regular season as long as working partners match each other on the field.
    • The state uniform is only a requirement for postseason games – partners must match
    • Long sleeve umpire shirts are acceptable – long sleeve undergarments must be covered by a jacket or long sleeve umpire shirt
    • Navy shirts, jackets and hats are now obsolete

Playoff Uniform Samples

Primary jacket – Black with powder blue gussets

Alternative jacket – Black with white gussets

Black convertible pullover is also acceptable – tucked in

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